
Do lixo para a arte

Com lixo recolhido nas praias, um artista português cria obras de arte, muitas delas peixes recriados com muito rigor. Ver o trabalho completo em https://www.xicogaivota.com/ 


Mediterranean Cat, Balthus, 1949, 50" x 72", óleo sobre tela, coleção privada
In the art of Balthus, the cat always fosters a great sense of ambiguity and tension.  In Mediterranean Cat, this French artist of Polish origin seems to realize one of the cat's dreams: not having to make an effort to obtain food.  From a rainbow over the sea, the lavish meal that the ravenous man-cat is preparing to devour descends directly onto the set table; a gigantic lobster is already on the tray.  The crystalline purity of the geometric forms and the rarefied light that permeates the surfaces bears witness to Balthus' passion for Italian Renaissance painting....